From our Farm, to your table.
About Silverstar Veggies
Silverstar Veggies is located on the edge of Vernon in the beautiful North Okanagan. Established in 2021, we farm one acre of vegetables, herbs, and some fruit on Silverstar Road, at the bottom of the Foothills community.
We are passionate about growing high-quality produce for our customers and community to enjoy. Our farm is managed using natural and traditional techniques, along with modern equipment and knowledge.
Meet your Farmers at Silverstar Veggies
Eric started Silverstar Veggies after working in various types of agriculture both in Ireland and in Canada for over 15 years. Eric’s farming passion was always rooted in growing vegetables and herbs, and he takes pleasure from seeing people enjoying the fruits of his labour.
Food security for our community and helping to develop local healthy food networks are what motivates Eric to farm. He loves the challenge that every season brings, and the never-ending learning process that farming is.
When he is not on the farm, Eric enjoys mountain biking, kayaking, snowboarding, and camping with his son, Ash.
Miho’s passion for food began while backyard gardening and foraging in the North Vancouver forests where she grew up. Her professional background in French fine dining further grew her love for top-quality ingredients and the freshest of produce.
After meeting Eric, and the idea of Silverstar Veggies was born, Miho decided to transition into a different aspect of the food system. She is grateful to be a part of the local, sustainable food network that is feeding our community!
Miho cooks at local restaurants in the off-season, as well as snowboarding, kayaking, and enjoying good food with friends.
Farmer Ash
Mostly just here for the strawberries!!!
Silverstar Veggies was opened in the spring of 2021 and operates on rented land, arranged through the B.C. Young Agrarian’s Land Matching Program. You can learn more about the program by visiting their website here.
Silverstar Veggies acknowledges that we live, work, and play on the unceded land of the Syilx (Okanagan) territories.